RETURNING students

Our classes are designed to present material in an organized and intuitive fashion. Many of our classes are for beginners and require no prior experience. Welding is learned by spending time and attention operating the tools and meeting new challenges. The "Welding for Noobs" class is the best way to start. The "Noob to Ninja" is an ongoing class, we will continue to teach you at your pace, on whatever equipment or process you wish to learn.
We also offer project-based classes that teach students specific techniques in Metalwork and provide a project that can be completed during the class. We also offer specialized classes that focus on technique rather than a specific project. This is often better than trying to complete a project, absorb relevant technical information and master a new technique at the same time. For example, T.I.G. welding of aluminum is extremely challenging and attempting to add a project to the process early on is totally unhelpful. Clients often continue with us in private instruction.
You can set up to work with us individually, or in a small group of friends, through our private instruction option. Just buy the ticket that reflects the number of people in your party. That date and time will be reserved for your group exclusively.
We offer new classes frequently. Clients are encouraged to join our mailing list to receive our periodic updates.
We occasionally promote social events to our clientele. We often organize or participate in parties and festivals. Rusty Oliver maintains a Patreon https://www.patreon.com/hazardfactor Patrons have access to welding instructional videos and updates concerning his industrial art.
We occasionally get involved in industrial and art projects. Hazard Factory is currently helping develop systems for a friend that is competing in Battlebots, and a Carbon Sequestration experiment.
We do accept volunteer help selectively. Our volunteers help keep the classroom clean, prep materials, troubleshoot machines, advise and assist in the classroom and help with web work and business management. In exchange our volunteers are able to attend classes and work with the tools while class is in session. This is a good way to develop expertise. We ask a great deal of our volunteers. This opportunity is not always available. Use our contact form to inquire.