Hazard Factory is an Industrial Arts education facility. Our risk mitigation is habitual, prudent, and ongoing.
We will continue to implement appropriate safeguards to protect our learning space. At present, masks are optional for clients and staff. You can always wear a mask if you choose. Staff are vaccinated and boosted.
We have been teaching small classes and private instruction for two years now without incident.
We are currently operating as mask-optional, as we are in a high airflow environment. Persons with compromised immunity may wish to mask.
We teach classes of fewer than ten people.
We have excellent ventilation, which mitigates exposure to any potential airborne vector.
We have installed hand sanitizer stations.
We sterilize high touch surfaces.
We have a non-contact thermometer to screen for abnormal body temperatures.
We know how to operate PPE equipment professionally, including face masks, as these are a constant in an industrial environment.
We are vaccinated and boosted.
We are treating this as a dynamic situation, our response is not static, we are keeping abreast of current developments and will modify our approach as needed. At present we believe we have met this challenge successfully.