iftba membership


To become a member in the IFTBA a current member in good standing must vouch for your ability to behave responsibly. You should not vouch for anyone that you would not go tandem hang-gliding with.
Your sponsor vouches for you by reserving an event ticket in your name. You will be required to fill out a waiver, pay $20 and demonstrate an understanding of the rules in order to play your first game. At this point you are considered to have a trial membership. The first time you play will be against a full member. Novices are not permitted to play novices in their first game, this is a safety consideration. Once you have played six games with us you are eligible for full membership. To maintain full membership participants pay the applicable monthly fee and keep current with updates to safety standards and equipment regulations. Think of it like a fencing club.
Sportsmanship and polite, inclusive social conduct are required to attain full membership. Membership can be revoked by the IFTBA or Hazard Factory at any time.
Full membership is currently $20 per month. Membership is billed automatically. Full members can reserve their spot in a game by reserving a ticket for full members for the date they wish to play. Look in the events section for event tickets. If you have questions about policy or do not know anyone that can vouch for you, so that you can get a trial membership ticket, email to allmetalarts (at) gee-male (dot) com.
We are currently playing Flaming Tetherball on the first and third Friday of each month. Go to our events section for tickets. You must be a member or have a trial membership and a ticket to attend. Use the current classes page to find tickets. You must either be a member or have a trial membership to attend.

We at Hazard Factory pride ourselves on our nuanced and well exercised ability to evaluate and cope with exotic risks. As such we are in a better position than most to evaluate the pros and cons of participating in a game involving a flaming object moving at high speeds. Ultimately, it is safer than getting into a car, or riding a bicycle in traffic, and these are things we do all the time.
Notwithstanding, there will be the strident self-appointed guardians of personal safety that will decry a reasonable exercise of personal freedom in the pursuit of happiness. They have no reasonable argument, lacking which, they have no authority over adults whom are ultimately responsible for, and far more committed to, their own safety. We have and enforce our own safety regulations.
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